Thursday, June 16, 2011

Mexico City: The Arts

We got to visit lots of places that had works by famous artists!

Such as... The Mural of Diego Rivera, featuring (drum roll please): LA CATRINA-- MI BISABUELA. ... If you didn't take high school Spanish at Freedom, you may not get the reference, but it is hilarious. Just so you know.

The Palacio of Bellas Artes was also very beautiful!

We also got to visit the house of Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera. Their relationship kind of sucked, but their artwork was amazing. I admire Frida so much for all that she went through and managed to accomplish.

My personal favorite artsy place, though, was the Dolores Olmeda house. Dolores was an avid art/ artifact/ animal collected and eccentric personality. She kept a whole pack of hairless dogs, or Xinozcuintle (spelled wrong, I know), who currently believe a statue of their kind is their mother. She also must have liked peacocks, because you couldn't walk two feet without seeing one, which was quite exciting.

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