Monday, June 6, 2011

Africam Safari

So this weekend was our one "free" weekend that we didn't have travel plans as a group. However, that being said, we still kept plenty busy.

One of the best and biggest zoos/safari parks in all of Mexico is only 25 minutes away from where we live in Puebla. We’re really starting to get a hang of the public bus system, which is really convenient—only 6 pesos one way! So, a bunch of us decided to go by bus to check Africam out, and it was one of the best decisions ever!

Most of the park is set up like a safari that you drive through either in your own car or on safari tour buses (like the one we're in above/ below), meaning that the animals have practically free reign of a large part of land. I really liked that, since I feel like seeing animals cooped up in cages can get a bit depressing. I mean, obviously it didn't quite compare to actual Tanzania, but the animal diversity was really quite awesome.


After the safari, there was a whole other portion to the park, with more traditional zoo enclosures for the smaller kinds of animals. We got to do awesome things, like fly high above the park, crossing bridges and cruising along ziplines in harnesses. It was amazing! Well, amazingly terrifying. But also a lot of fun!

Oh. We also got to feed wallabies. WALLABIES. How adorable!!! It was a Saturday well spent :)

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