Saturday, May 14, 2011

My worry priorities = ridiculous...

Okay. So I realized that there is one thing that I’m getting really, really nervous about.


Gosh, I am such a spoiled American. But I have this blog to maintain, my GeoBlog to participate in, people to Skype with, emails to send, and (admittedly) episodes of Glee and The Office that I’ll surely NEED to catch up in spare time.

Having access to wi-fi or internet all the time is something I so take for granted. I mean, it’s going to be rough not having a cell phone (hooray for calling cards!), but to not have a constant internet connection? I am (sadly) really quite panicky.

In my half-awake moments in the morning, I haven’t been tumbling about with worries of drug lords (super unrealistic) or getting sick from the water (slightly more believable), but of being isolated in my internet-less world. Which is ridiculous. Because I know for a fact that Iberoamericana de Puebla has wi-fi (at least that’s what we were told), as well as many of the hotels we’ll be at, and my host family must have some form of internet, otherwise my sister would have a far more difficult time accessing Facebook.

But, bringing my laptop in tow, it will be strange not to have easy access. (That is, if I don’t. For all I know, I could have easy wi-fi finds). Maybe this is a sign that I am far more internet-dependent than is healthy. Maybe having less access will be a good thing?

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